Good News for Islamic Psychology from the President of IAMP

 November 25, 2019

The International Conference on ‘Islamic Psychology: Theory, Research and Application’ has been held at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), India, in 2018. This conference is organised by the Department of Psychology in collaboration with International Association of Muslim Psychologists, Indian Council on Islamic Perspective in Psychology, Centre for Study and Research and Training, Al-Barkaat Islamic Perspective Research and Training Institute, and Al-Mustafa International University.

On the occasion, the President of IAMP, Dr. Bagus Riyono, M. A. (Indonesia) delivered a good news for the future of Islamic Psychology. “The development of Islamic Psychology has been going for several decades, since the writings of Prof. Malik Badri have been acknowledged by many scholars back then. Nowadays, our next step for developing Islamic Psychology is to build psychological theories based on Islamic teachings and conduct intensive researchs for providing scientific foundations for those theories.”

“This conference should become a productive platform for the academic community as a significant step for the development of Islamic Psychology.” he added.

More than 100 scholars from various countries attended this conference. This conference also accomodated over 100 presented-research papers as the form of providing scientific-based researchs on Islamic psychology.