Psikologi Spiritual – Part 1


Psikologi spiritual merupakan salah satu alternatif perspektif psikologi. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam khasanah psikologi konvensional, spiritual hanya disinggung sekilas atau tidak mendasar. Psikologi spiritual diharapkan dapat menjadi landasan untuk menyusun sebuah perspektif yang berbeda, sesuai…

An interview with Professor Malik Badri about his Contributions to the Islamisation of Psychology


This article is the manuscript from the interview with Prof. Malik Badri conducted by Prof. Rahmattullah Khan Abdul Wahab. He posed some questions to Professor Malik Badri on his contributions in Islamising and culturally adapting…

The Islamization of Psychology: Its “Why”, Its “What”, Its “How” and Its “Who”


In preparing this keynote address, I have deliberately followed a simple easily comprehendible style that I hope would help to clear up the cloud of confusion that has fogged the concept of Islamization now for…

Yogyakarta Declaration on Human Dignity


Human dignity is the most precious human rights from which all other fundamental rights are derived. Human dignity has descriptive meanings pertaining to self-respect and human worth. Moral, ethical, legal, and political discussions use the…

Islamic Counselling for Patients of COVID-19 Pandemic


COVID-19 has been declared as a world pandemic. Thousands of people get infected and tested. We are suggesting to patients of COVID-19 for seeking Islamic Counselling. The main components of Islamic teachings which are contained…

Prinsip-Prinsip Psikologi Islami (the Principles of Islamic Psychology)


This study aims to find the relevance of religion and science and deeply discuss about the bacis principles for developing Islamic-based science in the form of Islamization of knowledge. This also discusses more about the…

How Emotion are Made: The Secret Life of The Brain


Descripton from publisher. A new theory of how the brain constructs emotions — one that could revolutionize our understanding of the human mind. Why do emotions feel automatic and uncontrollable? Does rational thought really control…

Islamic Councelling: An Introduction to Theory and Practice


Description from the publisher. Islamic counselling is a form of counselling which incorporates spirituality into the therapeutic process. Until now there has been a little material available on the subject with no one agreed definition…

Ibn Al Haytham First Scientist


Description from publisher. Ibn al-Haytham, who lived from approximately 950 to 1040, was a pioneer in several scientific and mathematical fields, including physics, optics, astronomy, and analytical geometry. His experiments on how light is refracted…

The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences


In this issue: ARTICLES Cognitive Systematic Desensitization: an Innovative Therapeutic Thechnique eith Special Referene to Muslim Patients. (M.B. Badri) Is European Islam Experiencing an Ontological Revolution for an Epistemological Awakening? (Mohammed Hashas) Beyond Textuality in…

The Science Delusion: Freeing The Spirit of Enquiry


Description from publisher: The science delusion is the belief that science already understands the nature of reality. The fundamental questions are answered, leaving only the details to be filled in. In this book, Dr Rupert…

Psychology from the Islamic Perspective


Description from the publisher: Islam offers a precise, uncomplicated, and comprehensive theory of our spiritual nature, our purpose and priorities in life, and how we can attain serenity and happiness in this life and the…

Motivation from The Islamic Psychology Perspective


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah teori motivasi baru yang integratif, yang disusun berdasarkan teori-teori yang sudah ada dan data-data penelitian yang telah tersedia. Untuk itu diaplikasikan sebuah metode yang merupakan gabungan dari meta-ethnography dan…

“A Gift for The Ummah” : A Tribute to Prof. Malik Badri

 April 22, 2021

1979There was an influential book, a masterpiece.“A gift for the ummah” THE DILEMMA OF MUSLIM PSYCHOLOGISTS Triggering an awareness that Western Psychology failed to see human beings as a whole. His books, lectures, speeches, and…

Remembering a Murabbi: A Tribute to Prof. Malik Badri


Remembering a Murabbi Session: A Tribute to Prof. Malik BadriMonday, 15 February 20218.00 PM – 9.30 PM (Malaysia Time)Youtube Link: https://bit.ly/MALIKBADRI