Course Alert: International Intensive Course in Islamic Psychology 2020, Indonesia

 October 13, 2020

Department of Psychology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, in collaboration with International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)- Indonesia and International Association of Muslim Paychologists (IAMP) presents:✨
The 2nd International Intensive Course on Islamic Psychology (IICIP)
November 7th – 21st, 2020 (every Saturday and Sunday)

Over the years, Psychology Program at Universitas Islam Indonesia has become a pioneer in developing Islamic Psychology since its inception in 1995. Supporting the development of Islamic Psychology to be more established and able to give wider benefits for the people at large is one of the main purposes of our research and teachings in the Psychology Program, Faculty of Psychology and Social Cultural Sciences (FPSCS) UII. A few international agendas that are relevant to strengthen Islamic Psychology has been held recently.

You are hereby invited to the biggest Islamic Psychology virtual event in 2020. Experience an intensive learning with the best of Islamic Psychology educators from all around the world.

▪️Prof. Dr. Amber Haque (Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar)
▪️DR. Sus Budiharto (UII, Vice Chairman of Islamic Psychology Association, Indonesia)
▪️DR. Rania Awaad (Stanford University, Centre for Muslim Mental Health, USA)
▪️Prof. Dr. Suleyman Derin (Marmara University, Istanbul)
▪️Assoc. Prof. Dr. Olga Pavlova (Moscow State University for Psychology and Education, Association of Psychological Assistance for Muslims- Russia)
▪️Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shukran Abdul Rahman (IIUM-Malaysia)
▪️DR. Bagus Riyono (Gadjah Mada University, President of IAMP)
▪️Hanan Dover (Psychcentral, Sydney, Australia, Vice President of IAMP)
▪️and other speakers on schedule.

▪️Foundation of Islamic Psychology
▪️The Contribution of Islamic Scholars for Islamic Psychology
▪️Islamic Psychotherapy
▪️Islamic Educational Psychology
▪️Islamic Psychology Counselling
▪️The Psychology of Ibada
▪️Akhlaqul Karima : A Concept for Building Moral Excellence
▪️Islamic Psychology for Community Empowerment
▪️Islamic Psychology for Industries and Organization
▪️Learning from Muslim Cases : Assessment and Intervention
▪️Other topics on schedule.

This program will be conducted virtually via Zoom Meetings for limited seat. You can choose one package from two kind of participation below:

Participants can engage in online short course for five days, start from November 7th to November 21st. There will be ten class on every Saturday and Sunday, from 09.00 AM to 04.00 PM (WIB/ Western Indonesian Time), with two sessions for each day. By completing this program, participants will obtain an e-certificate weighted 2 credit units.
💰Registration fee : IDR – Rp 500.000,-

Participants only register for two sessions in a one day schedule. Participants only receive an e-certificate without credit units.
💰Registration fee : IDR – Rp 100.000,- /day

📅 Registration is closed on November 4th, 2020
The committee may close registration earlier if the seat is full before the date.
Schedule and registration form available in :

For more inquiries: (WhatsApp message only), or (committee representative)
Updates on our official Instagram: @iicip2020
Department of Psychology UII website: