Bagus Riyono is the current president of IAMP. He is a lecturer of Psychology in Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, and conducts research on Islamic Psychology, that touches the following areas: motivation, personality, leadership and organisational development. As an Industrial and organisational psychologist, Bagus taught organisational change and development, and is an active consultant in the area for some national and multinational organisations in Indonesia since 1995. Before dedicating himself as a lecturer in Psychology, Bagus had worked with Toyota Astra International at management development, and at Conoco Indonesia as manpower planning and recruitment staff. Thinking that his practical experience can be beneficial for the younger generation in Indonesia, he decided to be involved in developing talents by disseminating the knowledge through teaching at the university.
Bagus took his master degree in 1997-1999 in I/O Psychology at Hofstra University, Long Island, New York, in which he was involved in a fellowship for research as well as consulting for organisation around New York City area with the Centre for Organisational Excellence in the University, under the team of Prof. William Metlay, Prof. Ira Kaplan, and Prof. Michael Barriere.
Besides involving himself in research and teaching, Bagus is now active in social and academic organisation. He is the president for SIETAR – Indonesia -Society for Intercultural Educators, Trainers and Researchers. He is also the head of the presidium of Gerakan Indonesia Beradab, a national-interdisciplinary organisation of the Indonesian movement for preserving human dignity. His dissertation was completed in 2011 where he conducted critical analysis of main theories of motivation, to come up with a meta theory that integrate the conventional theories, and to reconstruct the concept of human motivation that does not exclude their relation to God. Beside research and teaching he has been an active facilitator in the Theory Building trainings with the Center for Indigineous and Cultural Psychology in UGM, to share his expertise in theory building. The theory had been shared in various classes, such as in Leipzig-Germany, and at SIETAR conferences in Japan and Indonesia. In Ramadhan, 2017, Bagus also cofounded the Mahad Maqasid in Indonesia, a branch of Maqasid Institute-International, in which now he is active in the maqasid studies for sustainable development with DR. Aly Abdel Mouneim. Bagus can be contacted by his email at: